Jeff Sutherland at Öredev 2008

Here’s a video of a talk by Jeff Sutherland at Öredev 2008. Although I still find all his numbers suspect, because I don’t understand what he does to actually measure productivity of the teams he works with – I still like to listen to him speak. His ambition to push the envelope and find new […]

Systems thinker Russell Ackoff now on YouTube

Three short clips featuring systems thinker Russell Ackoff have been made available on YouTube, and embedded below. Ackoff speaks plainly about profound things, so listen closely, and don’t mistake his plain words for a lack of depth. I’m not an expert, just an interested student, but it seems to be that Ackoff’s great contribution is […]

Svensk mjukvaruutveckling i SvD

Härligt! Lite uppmärksamhet på mjukvaruutveckling i Svenska Dagbladet. Tomas Augustsson har skrivit en artikel som bland annat tar upp den utmaning det innebär att vara chef i en mjukvaruutvecklande organisation. Flera av de som arbetar med mjukvara pratar om att de högsta cheferna på företagen kom fram när det var hård­varan, själva apparaten, som var […]

Changes, Then Rules, Then Changes, Then …

David Schmaltz writes: “Within SEI, there were (probably still are) two factions. I heard (just hearsay) that two principals at SEI approached two of the Agile Manifesto signatories to wish them luck shortly after the manifesto was made public. Apparently they had carried the same intentions in founding the SEI, but were compromised when the suits […]

Podcast Interview with Johanna Rothman

A couple of weeks ago, Magnus Ljadas and I interviewed consultant, author, and PSL host Johanna Rothman over Skype. I just received an email from Johanna telling me that she’s just published the first part of the interview on her website. You should go ahead and download it at