When I first read it a number of years ago, I immediately found Jack Reeves’ article “What Is Software Design?” useful, intelligent and correct. In the article, Reeves presents his arguments for why the source code is the artefact that constitutes the ultimate design of software. Apparently, this article resurfaced with the publishing of Robert […]
Category Archives: Agile
CIO Sweden manglar beskrivningen av Scrum, men vinner en gratis kursplats
Intresset för lättrörlig utveckling i allmänhet och Scrum i synnerhet är enormt just nu. Många av de företag vi jobbar med börjar uppnå avsevärd förståelse för och framgång med arbetssättet. I denna situation är det lätt att få för sig att även resten av världen förstått vad det handlar om. Men, vi är inte riktigt […]
Kopplingen lean och Scrum
Scrum är en praktiskt orienterad grundstomme för hur man kan bedriva lättrörlig mjukvaruutveckling. Lean är en etikett satt på det system av principer som man uppfattat legat till grund för bland annat Toyotas sätt att organisera sig. Hur förhåller sig egentligen Scrum och lean till varandra? Att förstå detta är användbart både för den som […]
Mike Cohn on Agile Estimation
Author, consultant and speaker Mike Cohn has a two–part video out on YouTube. In it, he talks about his area of expertise – the planning and estimation of agile projects. Mike will be visiting Sweden this fall, and do a couple of his popular courses, hosted by Citerus. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to […]
Adobe Goes Agile, Makes Life Easier
In the article “Adobe edits the development cycle” on Regdeveloper, Mary Branscombe lets Adobe tell the story of how they switched to a more agile, incremental, development cycle. The result, according to Russell Williams of Adobe: “Better quality, plenty of features, fewer nights and weekends: what’s not to like?” Note especially the focus on developing […]
More Poppendieck on Lean
Here’s a new interview with Tom and Mary Poppendieck on the topic of lean software development. Thanks to Rickard Johansson for the tip! Around 25 minutes into the interview, the topic of RUP appears. Tom points out the amount of knowledge available in the RUP, but also how it has often been implemented with a […]
Ron Jeffries on Running Tested Features
In this video on InfoQ, Ron Jeffries talk about agile software development. What is worth pointing out is how he emphasises the similarities between the different agile methods. One difference between how Ron explains things, and how Ken Schwaber does it, though, lies in the graphing of the growth of features. When Ken draws the […]
The Power of Closure
I have a new short article up on the Scrum Alliance site, where I look at Scrum from the perspective of closure. Don’t miss this weekly column, where good little articles pop up every now and then. Last week’s was by Ken Schwaber on the topic of sprint reviews.
Workshop: Testdriven utveckling och refaktorering
Magnus Ljadas på Citerus håller snart en tvådagarsworkshop på temat testdriven utveckling och refaktorering. Missa inte detta tillfälle att förstärka din förmåga att hantera dessa kraftfulla verktyg!
Requirements: Still Need to Handle Them, Post-Agile
Many problems we’ve traditionally had with understanding, communicating and implementing solutions for user’s needs are reduced or go away as agile development lets us shift our focus from requirements documents to frequent conversations about actual, current, needs. Still, these things in no way mean that we should stop thinking about requirements, even written ones. We’ll […]